
Published Date: December 07, 2015

The California Health Interview Survey is the nation’s largest state health survey and a key source of data on many underrepresented racial, ethnic and sexual minority groups. This fact sheet details how CHIS data were used to create positive change and to tackle complex health issues by policymakers, researchers, community groups, advocates, the media and others in 2014.

Some highlights:

  • CHIS data were used this year to track the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act in a new web tool, ACA 411.
  • A new Web tool product introduced late in the year, AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition, gave users the ability to search for CHIS data by ZIP Code, city and legislative district on specific health topics.
  • Adult Race and Ethnicity Health Profiles for 2011-2012 included separate statistics for a dozen groups within the Latino and Asian ethnic groups, including differentiating between U.S.-born Mexicans and non U.S.-born Mexicans.