MIRA Latino Study Information Sheet
The purpose of the survey is to understand where and how Latinos get information about their healthcare.
We will ask you to answer a 25-minute survey. The survey will ask you about your experiences when seeking or using healthcare services, where you access health information, what health information you trust, and how health information is communicated to you. The answers you provide in this survey will be linked with the information you provided in the California Health Survey, such as information about you and your household characteristics, your health status, health conditions, mental and emotional well-being, and healthcare and health insurance.
Your answers will be combined with the answers of other participants and shared with researchers to better understand the health and health care in California. Your data, including de-identified data may be kept for use in future research. Only group-level data will be shared via public datasets or publications.
The survey will take approximately 25 minutes.
Yes, after completing the survey, you will get a $20 gift card. Partial payment will not be provided.
You will NOT have to answer any questions that you do not want to answer, and you can stop the survey at any time.
There will be no direct benefit. The study results may be used to inform better access to health services for Latinos living in California.
Yes, any information that is obtained in connection with this survey will be confidential. We will not collect any personally identifying information, such as your name, that could result in your identification. When the survey is completed, all personal contact information will be separated from your responses to be used later for research. SSRS, the survey company, will retain this information for five years. A federal Certificate of Confidentiality (CoC) protects information about you. This means we cannot be forced to release information about you for any legal proceeding, even if a court of law asks. There are limits to this protection. The CoC does not protect your information when you or your family voluntarily release information about yourselves; you consent to the release of information (for example, the uses described in this form, or if you sign release forms for employment, insurance, or medical care); a federal agency audits or evaluates research that it funds.
You can choose whether or not you want to be in this study, and you may discontinue participation at any time. Whatever decision you make, there will be no penalty to you, and no loss of benefits. You may refuse to answer any questions that you do not want to answer and still remain in the study. If you have questions about your rights while taking part in this study, or you have concerns or suggestions and you want to talk to someone, please contact the UCLA OHRPP by phone: (310) 206-2040; by email: participants@research.ucla.edu or by mail: Box 951406, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1406.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the survey, you can talk to one of the researchers. Please contact Dr. Arturo Bustamante at (833) 351-0305, email the study team at mirastudy@ucla.edu, or visit our project website at: mirastudy.ucla.edu.