
What is the California Health Survey?

The California Health Survey is currently being conducted to learn about the health of people in California and the problems they have getting health car​e. The results from this survey provide important information that may help shape policies and programs for the state and local communities. Learn more about CHIS

  • Why should you participate?

    Your participation is essential to helping researchers, local and public health departments, government, and the public better understand some of the health problems and difficulties in getting health care in California.

  • We respect your privacy.

    Keeping individual information confidential is a top priority for us. We specifically process all the answers so that no one can directly connect what responses came from which household. Everyone working on this study is required by law to protect the confidentiality of people who participate. No names are retained, and all home addresses and telephone numbers (if we had one) are stripped away from the survey answers. We are bound by very rigid rules set up by the UCLA Office of the Human Research Protection Program and the California regulated Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects to protect your privacy and rights as a participant in a university project. Learn more about Confidentiality.


Frequently Asked Questions

The adult section of the survey will take approximately 45 minutes, the adolescent section will take approximately 20 minutes, and the child section will take approximately 15 minutes.

Keeping individual information confidential is a top priority for us. We specifically process all the answers so that no one can directly connect what responses came from which household. Everyone working on this study is required by law to protect the confidentiality of people who participate. No names are retained, all home addresses, and any telephone numbers (if we had one) are stripped away from the survey answers. We are bound by very rigid rules set up by the UCLA Office of the Human Research Protection Program and the California regulated Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects to protect your privacy and rights as a participant in a university project. Learn more about Confidentiality.

Your address was randomly chosen by a computer from all the possible addresses in your area. This is a scientific process to choose survey participants like yourself. For some households, a telephone number was matched to your address. If your number is unlisted, it will remain unlisted.

We mail a letter to your household to explain the purpose of the survey and to direct you to the website where you can access your survey using your personal code. If we do not receive a response from your household, our data collection contractor, SSRS, attempts to match a telephone number to the address, and if a match was found, we will call your household to encourage completion of the survey.

This was designed to be a web and telephone survey. Answering it in a different format may affect the results.

We are contacting over 250,000 households in California that have been randomly selected by a computer.

A computer chose your address at random and all the randomly selected addresses make up a scientific sample. If we replace the address we selected with any other address, it will affect the accuracy of our study.

To see a list of the survey topic areas, visit the Survey Topics.

We are only asking to make sure we are talking with families with different incomes. Your information will be kept confidential.

The survey has three parts that deal with different age groups. We need the ages of the people in your household to decide which parts to use.

Using names, or nicknames, makes it easier for the survey to ask you about the correct persons.

No. Information that may identify you will not be used in the results, and no one in the government will know who participated in this study. None of your benefits will be affected by participating in this study.

No. Your identity will be kept completely confidential. Information that may identify you will not be included in the results, and no one in the government will know who participated in this study. Your immigration status will not be affected by participating.

To get a better understanding of the health status and health needs of all California residents we want to talk to people with and without health problems.

We are very interested in learning about your health care and your health needs. The fact that you do not have health insurance is something we want to know, too.

We want to talk to people with and without kids. If you do not have kids, we will only use the adult section of the survey.

You should call the survey company SSRS to change your appointment. Their toll-free number is 1-888-419-9725

We apologize for this inconvenience. Please contact SSRS (1-888-419-9725) or email for assistance to regain access to your survey.

You should call the survey company SSRS to finish the survey. Their toll-free number is 1-888-419-9725

No, your participation is voluntary, but we are very interested in what you have to say. You represent many households like yours, so your input will be very helpful to us. You do not have to answer all the questions, and may refuse to answer any question at any time.

Major funders of this survey include the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), DHCS Community Service Division, California Department of Public Health, California Health Benefit Exchange, First 5 California, The California Endowment, and California HealthCare Foundation.

The information collected from this survey will help researchers, the public, and the government better understand some of the health problems and difficulties in getting health care in California. With this information, improvements can be made to public health programs and the health care system.

Early results will be available in the fall of this year. Results from previous rounds of the study are currently available through our website at

The National Do Not Call List is intended to prevent unwanted phone calls from telemarketers. As a legitimate, scientific health survey that is not selling anything, the California Health Survey is exempt from the Do Not Call list.

The California Health Survey is not authorized to provide referrals. You should call your local health department for that information. You can find a list of local health departments on the California Department of Public Health website. Phone numbers can also be found in the government pages of your phone book, under "county listings." Or, you may call 2-1-1 if this service is available in your county.

CHIS at a Glance


households interviewed for the 2022 CHIS


CHIS is conducted in six languages: English, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Korean, Vietnamese, and Tagalog


interviews completed by web for the 2022 CHIS


interviews completed by phone for the 2022 CHIS