Jack Needleman, PhD, FAAN, is an affiliate at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and a professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. He teaches courses in health policy in the master’s programs and research design and research methods to doctoral and master's students and has previously taught program and policy evaluation and health politics. He previously served as the Fred W. and Pamela K. Wasserman chair for the department.

Needleman’s research focuses on the impact of changing markets and public policy on quality and access to care, and health care provider and insurer responses to market and regulatory incentives. For the past decade, his research has focused on studies of quality and staffing in hospitals and on the evaluation and design of performance improvement activities. Three of Needleman’s first authored publications on quality of care and nurse staffing are designated patient safety classics by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Quality measures he developed have been adopted by AHRQ, Medicare, Joint Commission, and National Quality Forum and his expertise developing, testing and refining quality measures has been tapped by these and other organizations. He was lead evaluator for the Robert Wood Johnson initiative Transforming Care at the Bedside and serves on the Steering Council for the NIH-funded Improvement Science Research Network.

Needleman’s research extends beyond quality. He has directed projects on a wide range of topics, including studies of for-profit and nonprofit hospitals, the impact of community health centers on hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions, and changes in access to inpatient care for psychiatric conditions and substance abuse. He has analyzed the cost, design and impact of expanding insurance, most recently in the development and refinement of the UCLA-Berkeley California Simulation of Insurance Markets (CalSIM) modeling. He received a Robert Wood Johnson Investigator Award to study the future of public hospitals. He studied Canadian provisional systems for paying and regulating hospitals, physicians and supplemental health insurers, and regulating new technology. Prior to coming to UCLA in 2003, Needleman was on the faculty of the Harvard School of Public Health and before that served as vice president and co-director of the Public Policy Practice at Lewin/ICF, a Washington health policy research and consulting firm. While at Lewin/ICF, he conducted studies and served as a consultant to numerous state and federal task forces examining health care costs and access to care, and evaluated or helped design payment systems for hospitals, physicians, and nursing homes.

Needleman’s research on the impact of nurse staffing on patient outcomes in hospitals and the business case for increasing nurse staffing received the first AcademyHealth Health Services Research Impact Award. In recognition of the quality and impact of his research, he was elected to the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) and made an honorary Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing.

Needleman received his PhD in public policy from Harvard University.

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National Costs for Cardiovascular-Related Hospitalizations and Inpatient Procedures in the United States, 2016 to 2021
Journal Article
Journal Article

National Costs for Cardiovascular-Related Hospitalizations and Inpatient Procedures in the United States, 2016 to 2021

The current economic burden of cardiovascular (CV)-related hospitalizations grouped by diagnoses and procedures in the United States has not been well characterized. The objective was to identify current trends in CV-related hospitalizations, procedural utilization, and health care costs using the most recent 6 years of hospitalization data. A retrospective analysis of discharge data from the National Inpatient Sample database was conducted to determine trends in CV-related hospitalizations, costs, and procedures for each year from 2016 to the most recent available dataset, 2021.

Findings: Total CV-related costs were adjusted to and reported in 2023 dollars. In 2021, there were 4,687,370 CV-related hospitalizations at a cost of $108 billion. Heart failure hospitalizations accounted for the highest costs at $18.5 billion, followed by non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction at $11.2 billion and stroke at $10.9 billion. Significant upward trends in costs from 2016 to 2021 were observed for heart failure, stroke, atrial fibrillation, ST-elevation myocardial infarction, chest pain, hypertensive emergency, ventricular tachycardia, aortic dissection, sudden cardiac death, pericarditis, supraventricular tachycardia, and pulmonary heart disease. Over the 6 observational years, total costs increased by over $10 billion, representing a 10% increase. However, the increases were not linear, as there was a significant increase of 6.5% from 2018 to 2019, then a decrease of over 7% from 2019 to 2020, followed by an increase of approximately 6% from 2020 to 2021.

By 2030, total CV-related costs are projected to reach $131.3 billion. For all years, coronary procedures were the most performed, followed by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, non-bypass peripheral vascular surgery, pacemaker placement, and coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Both transcatheter aortic valve replacement and MitraClip procedures demonstrated significant upward trends from 2016 to 2021.

Overall, from the years 2016 to 2021, CV-related hospitalizations, costs, and procedures demonstrated upward trends. In conclusion, CV disease remains a high burden in the hospital setting with tremendous health care costs.

CA malpractice cap
Policy Note
Policy Note

The California Malpractice Cap on Noneconomic Losses: Unintended Consequences and Arguments for Reform

Summary: In 1975, a cap of $250,000 was adopted by California on noneconomic losses in malpractice cases. It was imposed in a time of perceived crisis, when state legislators and others believed rising malpractice premiums and risk of lawsuit would encourage physicians to retire from practicing medicine and would raise overall medical costs through defensive medicine.

Findings: Since the adoption of the cap, two arguments have been put forward as reasons to revise or eliminate it: The first is that the lack of adjustment to reflect inflation or the growth of household incomes is inequitable, because it lowers the real value of the reward — which in current dollars, could be as much as $1.5 million; the second is that the cap, by lowering the risk of suit for malpractice, also weakens the deterrent effect of risk of suit on physician efforts to avoid malpractice. The best available research suggests imposing caps is associated with a 16% increase in adverse events, and several approaches to applying this to California data are suggested or implemented. The estimated additional costs due to loss of deterrence are a significant offset to the potential costs of higher and more frequent claims were the cap to be eliminated or raised to reflect inflation.

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Policy Research Report
Policy Research Report

Final Summative Evaluation of California’s Public Hospital Redesign and Incentives in Medi-Cal (PRIME) Program

Summary: California has promoted value-based care in its public hospitals under a Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver called Public Hospital Redesign and Incentives in Medi-Cal (PRIME), a waiver overseen by California’s Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). PRIME required public hospitals to significantly transform their outpatient care delivery to receive payment for improved performance. 

Fifty-four public hospitals in California — including 17 designated public hospitals (DPHs) and 35 district and municipal hospitals (DMPHs) — implemented PRIME to achieve five overarching goals designed to improve care delivery, cultural competence, and patient health outcomes, as well as to move public hospitals towards value-based care.

Nadereh Pourat​, associate center director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and director of the center’s Health Economics and Evaluation Research Program, led a team of researchers who evaluated the PRIME program. This report, Final Summative Evaluation of PRIME, is the third in a series of reports based on their findings.​

In the initial Interim Evaluation of PRIME report, Pourat and the research team evaluated the PRIME program (i.e., following evidence-based guidelines), promoting better care outcomes (i.e., offering increased screening for cancer and tobacco use), and tracking better health (i.e., improvement of hypertension and diabetes control). ​

In the subsequent Preliminary Summative Evaluation pf PRIME, report, Pourat and team evaluated PRIME metric progression, challenges and successes, and plans for sustainability at the end of PRIME implementation. 

Findings: The Final Summative Evaluation of PRIME report shows that PRIME hospitals:

  • Reduced hospitalizations (2.33 fewer per 1,000 patients per year among DPHs) and emergency department visits (6.32 fewer per 1,000 patients per year​ among DPHs;15.36 fewer per 1,000 patients per year​ among DMPHs) for PRIME patients compared with patients of other providers. 
  • Reduced Medi-Cal payments per patient per year ($836 less among DMPHs; $865 less among DPHs). 
  • Used innovative approaches and modifications to implement PRIME projects, mitigating COVID-19 pandemic disruptions. 
  • Improved public hospitals’ ability to participate in managed care value-based payments. ​

The findings of this evaluation highlight the importance of federal funding for initiating and promoting progress in quality improvement projects and can be used to inform federal and state Medicaid policies to promote better care, better health, and lower costs.​

*The report is currently with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for review. A final version will be posted once it has been approved.​

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The Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Hospitalizations Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in the United States (SSM - Population Health)
Journal Article
Journal Article

The Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Hospitalizations Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in the United States (SSM - Population Health)

Summary: There has been little research on the relationship between education and health care utilization, especially for racial/ethnic minorities. This study aimed to examine the association between education and hospitalizations, investigate the mechanisms, and disaggregate the relationship by gender, race/ethnicity, and age groups.

A retrospective cohort analyst was conducted using data from the 1992–2016 U.S. Health and Retirement Study. The analytic sample consists of 35,451 respondents with 215,724 person-year observations. The authors employed a linear probability model with standard errors clustered at the respondent level and accounted for attrition bias using an inverse probability weighting approach.

Findings: On average, compared to having an education less than high school, having a college degree or above was significantly associated with an 8.37 pp (95% CI, −9.79 pp to −7.95 pp) lower probability of being hospitalized, and having education of high school or some college was related to 3.35 pp (95% CI, −4.57 pp to −2.14 pp) lower probability. The association slightly attenuated after controlling for income but dramatically reduced once holding health conditions constant. Specifically, given the same health status and childhood environment conditions, compared to those with less than high school degree, college graduates saw a 1.79 pp (95% CI, −3.16 pp to −0.42 pp) lower chance of being hospitalized, but the association for high school graduates became indistinguishable from zero. Additionally, the association was larger for females, whites, and those younger than 78. The association was statistically significantly smaller for black college graduates than their white counterparts, even when health status is held constant.

Educational attainment is a strong predictor of hospitalizations for middle-aged and older U.S. adults. Health mediates most of the education-hospitalization gradients. The heterogeneous results across age, gender, race, and ethnicity groups should inform further research on health disparities.

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National Costs for Cardiovascular-Related Hospitalizations and Inpatient Procedures in the United States, 2016 to 2021
Journal Article
Journal Article

National Costs for Cardiovascular-Related Hospitalizations and Inpatient Procedures in the United States, 2016 to 2021

The current economic burden of cardiovascular (CV)-related hospitalizations grouped by diagnoses and procedures in the United States has not been well characterized. The objective was to identify current trends in CV-related hospitalizations, procedural utilization, and health care costs using the most recent 6 years of hospitalization data. A retrospective analysis of discharge data from the National Inpatient Sample database was conducted to determine trends in CV-related hospitalizations, costs, and procedures for each year from 2016 to the most recent available dataset, 2021.

Findings: Total CV-related costs were adjusted to and reported in 2023 dollars. In 2021, there were 4,687,370 CV-related hospitalizations at a cost of $108 billion. Heart failure hospitalizations accounted for the highest costs at $18.5 billion, followed by non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction at $11.2 billion and stroke at $10.9 billion. Significant upward trends in costs from 2016 to 2021 were observed for heart failure, stroke, atrial fibrillation, ST-elevation myocardial infarction, chest pain, hypertensive emergency, ventricular tachycardia, aortic dissection, sudden cardiac death, pericarditis, supraventricular tachycardia, and pulmonary heart disease. Over the 6 observational years, total costs increased by over $10 billion, representing a 10% increase. However, the increases were not linear, as there was a significant increase of 6.5% from 2018 to 2019, then a decrease of over 7% from 2019 to 2020, followed by an increase of approximately 6% from 2020 to 2021.

By 2030, total CV-related costs are projected to reach $131.3 billion. For all years, coronary procedures were the most performed, followed by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, non-bypass peripheral vascular surgery, pacemaker placement, and coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Both transcatheter aortic valve replacement and MitraClip procedures demonstrated significant upward trends from 2016 to 2021.

Overall, from the years 2016 to 2021, CV-related hospitalizations, costs, and procedures demonstrated upward trends. In conclusion, CV disease remains a high burden in the hospital setting with tremendous health care costs.

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CA malpractice cap
Policy Note
Policy Note

The California Malpractice Cap on Noneconomic Losses: Unintended Consequences and Arguments for Reform

Summary: In 1975, a cap of $250,000 was adopted by California on noneconomic losses in malpractice cases. It was imposed in a time of perceived crisis, when state legislators and others believed rising malpractice premiums and risk of lawsuit would encourage physicians to retire from practicing medicine and would raise overall medical costs through defensive medicine.

Findings: Since the adoption of the cap, two arguments have been put forward as reasons to revise or eliminate it: The first is that the lack of adjustment to reflect inflation or the growth of household incomes is inequitable, because it lowers the real value of the reward — which in current dollars, could be as much as $1.5 million; the second is that the cap, by lowering the risk of suit for malpractice, also weakens the deterrent effect of risk of suit on physician efforts to avoid malpractice. The best available research suggests imposing caps is associated with a 16% increase in adverse events, and several approaches to applying this to California data are suggested or implemented. The estimated additional costs due to loss of deterrence are a significant offset to the potential costs of higher and more frequent claims were the cap to be eliminated or raised to reflect inflation.

Read the Publications:

Policy Research Report
Policy Research Report

Final Summative Evaluation of California’s Public Hospital Redesign and Incentives in Medi-Cal (PRIME) Program

Summary: California has promoted value-based care in its public hospitals under a Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver called Public Hospital Redesign and Incentives in Medi-Cal (PRIME), a waiver overseen by California’s Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). PRIME required public hospitals to significantly transform their outpatient care delivery to receive payment for improved performance. 

Fifty-four public hospitals in California — including 17 designated public hospitals (DPHs) and 35 district and municipal hospitals (DMPHs) — implemented PRIME to achieve five overarching goals designed to improve care delivery, cultural competence, and patient health outcomes, as well as to move public hospitals towards value-based care.

Nadereh Pourat​, associate center director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and director of the center’s Health Economics and Evaluation Research Program, led a team of researchers who evaluated the PRIME program. This report, Final Summative Evaluation of PRIME, is the third in a series of reports based on their findings.​

In the initial Interim Evaluation of PRIME report, Pourat and the research team evaluated the PRIME program (i.e., following evidence-based guidelines), promoting better care outcomes (i.e., offering increased screening for cancer and tobacco use), and tracking better health (i.e., improvement of hypertension and diabetes control). ​

In the subsequent Preliminary Summative Evaluation pf PRIME, report, Pourat and team evaluated PRIME metric progression, challenges and successes, and plans for sustainability at the end of PRIME implementation. 

Findings: The Final Summative Evaluation of PRIME report shows that PRIME hospitals:

  • Reduced hospitalizations (2.33 fewer per 1,000 patients per year among DPHs) and emergency department visits (6.32 fewer per 1,000 patients per year​ among DPHs;15.36 fewer per 1,000 patients per year​ among DMPHs) for PRIME patients compared with patients of other providers. 
  • Reduced Medi-Cal payments per patient per year ($836 less among DMPHs; $865 less among DPHs). 
  • Used innovative approaches and modifications to implement PRIME projects, mitigating COVID-19 pandemic disruptions. 
  • Improved public hospitals’ ability to participate in managed care value-based payments. ​

The findings of this evaluation highlight the importance of federal funding for initiating and promoting progress in quality improvement projects and can be used to inform federal and state Medicaid policies to promote better care, better health, and lower costs.​

*The report is currently with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for review. A final version will be posted once it has been approved.​

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Ask the Expert

Three Questions with ​Jack Needleman on Medicaid

​Jack Needleman is chair of the Department of Health Policy and Management at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and a faculty associate at the Center. He was a panelist at the Feb. 15 Grand Rounds seminar on how repeal of the ACA would affect safety net providers and moderated the Jan. 25 Paul Torrens Health Forum on planning for changes to the ACA.

In this brief interview, Needleman discusses the likelihood of Medicaid converting to block grants, how reduced funding may put pressure on California's already rock-bottom provider payments, and what it will take to get politicians to take notice.

Q: Beyond repeal of ACA subsidies and the Medicaid expansion program, you and the other panelists brought up another scenario: The federal government converting Medicaid, known as Medi-Cal in California, to a block grant system. Why should we care?

​We should definitely care whether Medicaid is made a block grant. Currently, the costs of Medicaid are split between the federal and state government. The state bears only a portion of the costs of expanding the population covered, expanding services, increasing payment rates, or cost increases due to medical inflation. And decisions reflect this. The program is also sensitive to economic downturns, when the population eligible for Medicaid can increase, and the costs associated with the growth of the Medicaid population are only partly borne by the state with the federal government also sharing in those costs.

While there are several ways in which a block grant might be implemented, there are two key features of virtually all proposals. One is limiting the growth of the block grant to a fixed percentage each year, which most observers expect will be less than the actual inflation of medical expenses, so the state would bear an increasing share of the total costs of the program over time. The second is making the block grant insensitive to changes in economic conditions or to the growth of the number of eligible, requiring states to absorb these additional costs, reduce eligibility or lower payment rates for services.

Q: One of your fellow panelists said California's Medi-Cal reimbursement fees to doctors were fourth-lowest in the country. What will happen to those fees under a block grant program?

​The federal requirements for state Medicaid programs allow substantial variation in payment rates and some variation in eligibility standards and services offered. California, like many states, chose to structure its Medicaid program to maximize eligibility and covered services, and limit state expenditures by establishing low fees for physicians and other services.

Under a block grant, to the extent that California had to absorb increases in the costs of the program below the rate of medical inflation, it would confront hard choices about increasing the amount of state funds going to the program, cutting eligibility or benefits, or cutting payment rates. Historically, payment rates would come under the most pressure, and eligible services would be next on the cutting block.

These changes would likely reduce the level of participation of providers in the program, reducing access to both primary and specialty services. This would increase the demand on safety net providers such as federally qualified health centers, and while care at safety net providers is often found to be good, higher demand coupled with level or reduced payment could threaten access or quality.

Q: A recent story reports some Republican-leaning counties in California have a high share of Medi-Cal recipients, and cutting off Medi-Cal to those areas would be too politically risky. Is putting representatives on notice the key to averting block grants?

​The politics of Medicaid are complex. The Republican members of Congress and the Senate who have advocated for repeal and replacement are not in agreement about what a replacement program would look like. Many Republican members of Congress from California and elsewhere are from conservative but low-income areas, such as the Central Valley, which have benefited from Medicaid expansion.

Political science theories that try to explain the behavior of Congress members tend to emphasize the dual loyalty of Congress members to congressional leadership (which can provide rewards for members such as leadership positions and power within the legislature, campaign funds and consideration of member-sponsored legislation) and to constituents, motivated by the desire for re-election and fear of an electorate mobilized over specific issues. Electorate mobilization is often weak as low-information individuals may not become involved. But a highly salient issue, one whose profile has been elevated by demonstrations, news coverage and engagement of local organizations in lobbying and electioneering, which can heavily influence an election.

The activism, demonstrations and engagement in town halls play a double role of increasing public knowledge and challenging elected officials. The political risks of cutting Medi-Cal will only become substantial if elected officials become concerned that a significant proportion of their electorate will vote on this issue.

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Center in the News


The lack of adjustment to reflect inflation or the growth of household incomes is inequitable, because it lowers the real value of the reward — which in current dollars, could be as much as $1.5 million – six times the 1975 value, says Prof. Jack Needleman, chair of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health's Department of Health Policy and Management. "The second issue is that the cap, by lowering the risk of suit for malpractice, has also weakened the deterrent effect of risk of being sued on physician’s efforts to avoid malpractice."

News https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/strategy/cas-malpractice-cap-associated-16-more-adverse-events

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Center in the News

Hospital costs set to rise

A number of hospitals are now seeking to raise their treatment prices by as much as 15 percent. They say they've been hit by salary increases for nurses. It comes as local health care workers are on strike at Cedars Sinai. So, are we going to see inflation in health care costs? How much will premiums go up?

News https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knx-in-depth-hospital-costs-set-to-rise-impact-on-millions/id1423814166?i=1000560141411
Center in the News

California Playbook PM: Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) analysis

An analysis released today by UCLA researchers suggests that California’s longtime cap on pain-and-suffering awards in malpractice cases could actually have contributed to an increase in malpractice cases over the past 50 years — potentially by weakening the deterrent effect of being sued.

UCLA researchers reviewed state Medi-Cal data on potential malpractice cases from huge screw-ups like mismatched blood-type infusions or objects left inside patients. The researchers found more of these preventable mistakes — about 16 percent more — in states where such caps exist.

News https://www.politico.com/newsletters/california-playbook-pm/2022/05/09/sacramento-revisits-a-privacy-debate-00031168?nname=california-playbook-pm&nid=00000177-6f21-d412-abff-6ff78f190000&nrid=0000014f-890a-d780-a9ef-9d7a82c30000&nlid=2693079
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