
Are you looking for data on the health and health care needs of California's diverse population? You've come to the right place.

From beginner, intermediate, and expert trainings on how to find and use California Health Interview Survey data via our AskCHIS and AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition online health query tools, to workshops on advancing health equity through data disaggregation, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research has various video and PDF training materials to help you get the information you need.

Our Work
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Data Disaggregation
Disaggregating Data Decision-making: Who, What, When?
This panel discusses key considerations when choosing to expand racial/ethnic categories in health data sets. Researchers shared their decision-making on what categories to include, what question-wording gets at the information desired, and what conditions should be present to trigger expanded racial/ethnic data disaggregation.
  • 92 minutes
  • Intermediate
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Pooling Macro Tutorial
This tutorial will demonstrate how to use a SAS macro to help with pooling multiple years of CHIS data files.
  • 4 minutes
  • Advanced
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Data Disaggregation
Strategies in Mitigating Disclosure Risk in Disaggregated Racial/Ethnic Data
This presentation reviews several commonly used statistical disclosure limitation (SDL) techniques that are used to protect sensitive government data. The presenter demonstrates these techniques in practice by presenting case studies and shares useful resources for further guidance on available techniques used to protect its data.
  • 91 minutes
  • Intermediate
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Data User Training Webinar for Legislators and Media

CHIS hosted a data user training webinar for legislators and media on how to use CHIS' free online data tools to get data on a wide range of health topics. This webinar featured AskCHIS™, AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition™, and COVID-19 data dashboards, as well as preliminary monthly estimates from new COVID-19 questions in CHIS 2020.

  • 58 minutes
  • Beginner
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Data User Training Webinar for Legislators and Media

CHIS hosted a data user training webinar for legislators and media on how to use CHIS' free online data tools to get data on a wide range of health topics. This webinar featured AskCHIS™, AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition™, and COVID-19 data dashboards, as well as preliminary monthly estimates from new COVID-19 questions in CHIS 2020.

  • 58 minutes
  • Beginner
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
CHIS Data User Training Webinar (March 2021)

The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) hosted a training webinar to demonstrate how to use CHIS' free online data tools -- AskCHIS, AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition, and COVID-19 Data Dashboards -- to get data on a wide range of health topics across many sociodemographic factors.

  • 86 minutes
  • Intermediate
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Data Disaggregation
Collection and Reporting of Data on the Multiracial Population
This seminar discusses trends in capturing multiracial identity and the implications for researchers. As more surveys allow respondents to identify with the multiple races that reflect their identity, data managers are working on strategies for developing the best methods to most accurately reflect the population.
  • 92 minutes
  • Intermediate
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Data Disaggregation
Coding and Machine-Learning Strategies for Disaggregated Racial/Ethnic Data
This seminar helps the audience understand the capacity for machine learning, addresses the barriers to data disaggregation, and discusses what to consider when using technology as a solution to improve your data disaggregation.
  • 94 minutes
  • Intermediate
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Data Disaggregation
Advanced Weighting Strategies for Disaggregated Racial/Ethnic Data
This seminar discusses the ways in which survey weighting processes can and cannot be used to improve the representativeness of data on small and disaggregated populations within population surveys.
  • 93 minutes
  • Intermediate
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California Health Interview Survey (CHIS)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Data User Training Webinar (2020)

CHIS hosted a 90-minute training webinar on how to use CHIS' free online data tools, including AskCHIS™, AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition™, and COVID-19 data dashboards, as well as preliminary monthly estimates from new COVID-19 questions in CHIS 2020.

  • 96 minutes
  • Beginner