California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Advanced Data User Training (2022)
California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Advanced Data User Training (2022)
Published: 06/08/2022

At the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, we are committed to putting data into the hands of people who need it. The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), which is the largest state health survey in the nation, is hosting an advanced data user training on Wednesday, June 8, to demonstrate how to use some of CHIS’ advanced tools.

Presenters will share an overview of CHIS data products and resources, including:

AskCHIS™ and AskCHIS™ Neighborhood Edition (NE): Two free online query tools. AskCHIS allows you to quickly search for all CHIS health statistics at the county, region, and state level. AskCHIS NE provides health estimates on select health indicators at the local level (Census tract, ZIP code, and city).

Public Use Files (PUFs): Comprehensive statewide CHIS data files on a variety of topics. Researchers can customize and run their own statistical code (data formats include SAS and Stata).

Data Access Center (DAC): Provides researchers who go through an approval process the ability to run analyses on data that are not publicly available.

CHIS Pooling Macro: Provides an SAS macro and sample code that helps pool multiple years of data and does all the work of weight adjustments automatically.

Peggy Toy
Peggy Toy
Jacob Rosalez
Jacob Rosalez, MA
Senior Public Administration Analyst, Data Dissemination
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