
Published Date: November 08, 2021

Summary: Evidence indicates that there are disparities in immigrants’ access to health care and health status compared to U.S.-born residents, in part due to immigration policies that determine access to public benefits or shape lives. This fact sheet examines data from the Research on Immigrant Health and State Policy Study (RIGHTS) on the perceptions of Latinx and Asian immigrants in California. RIGHTS is a follow-up survey of the 2018 and 2019 California Health Interview Surveys (CHIS). Respondents reported their perceptions of immigrants’ experiences at the workplace, accessing health care, encountering law or immigration enforcement, and using public benefits.

Findings: The majority of respondents had negative perceptions, including discrimination at the workplace due to skin color or accent (70%), while a smaller but notable proportion (21%) perceived unequal access to health care. Additional difference between Latinx and Asian immigrants’ perceptions were also identified.  

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