Summary: Authors examine the short-term implementation lessons from the Medi-Cal expansion to adults ages 50 and older a year after its implementation to inform the planned expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal to adults 26 to 49 years of age in 2024. They also identify policy options to address undocumented immigrant adults ages 50 and over who will continue to be ineligible for Medi-Cal coverage because their incomes exceed the 138% FPL eligibility threshold.
Data from the 2018 to 2020 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) data was used in this study.
Findings: Authors identified three domains that provide lessons for the 2024 expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal: access to technology, language barriers, and immigration status. Authors recommended policies, including implementation of the recently approved expansion of Medi-Cal eligibility to all low-income residents regardless of immigration status; utilization of government and community-based partnerships to address technological, linguistic, and immigration barriers; and allowing undocumented immigrants with incomes above 138% of FPL to purchase subsidized health coverage through Covered California.
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