Objective. To assess the independent association of food insecurity with processes of care and delays in filling prescriptions.
Data Source. 2007 California Health Interview Survey.
Study Design. Associations of food insecurity with processes of care and delays in
filling prescriptions were examined using multivariable logistic regression analyses
adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, barriers to accessing care, and health
Data Extraction. Data were analyzed from adults currently receiving treatment for
type 2 diabetes and who had seen a doctor in the prior 12 months (N = 3,401).
Principal Findings. For diabetes patients currently receiving medical care, food insecurity was not associated with lower rates of performance of recommended processes of care, but it was associated with delays in filling prescriptions (aOR = 2.15, 95 percent CI 1.25, 3.71).
Conclusions. Food insecurity may increase delays in filling prescriptions in daily life,
even though the performance of recommended processes of care in the clinic is not
Key Words. Food insecurity, diabetes, quality of care, medication underuse
Publication Authors:
- J. Bilimek
- Dara H. Sorkin, PhD