
Published Date: December 15, 2015

AsThe California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), the nation’s largest state health survey, continued to play a significant role in shaping health policies and guidelines of state and national importance in 2015. Examples include informing legislation on health reform for the state’s undocumented immigrants, guiding ;a federal work group on LGBT survey methods, and providing evidence for research cited in amicus briefs submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This fact sheet gives an overview of legislation, training, government studies, health advocacy group publications, and policy reports and journal articles by Center researchers and other academic researchers that used CHIS data in 2015. Since 2003, more than 51,000 registered AskCHIS users have made 1.03 million queries, and more than 38,000 public use data files have been downloaded, proving the value of CHIS data to those passionate about understanding and improving public health.