Featured Publication
The Post-Pandemic Agenda for Community Well-being among Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders in California
The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AA and NHPIs) in many ways — through economic hardship, negative health outcomes, and rising incidents of hate and violence.

Featured Publication
California Adults With Increased Household Conflict During the COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Order Had Higher Likelihood of Poor Mental Health and Severe Impairment
With businesses, child care centers, and schools forced to close during the pandemic stay-at-home order, millions of Californians lost critical sources of income, child care, and education in 2020.

Featured Publication
Variation in Mental Health Care Needs and in Unmet Need for Care Among Groups of Black Adults in California
To better understand the mental health needs of the diverse Black population in California, authors of this study used five years of pooled data (2017 to 2021) from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) to evaluate differences between Black adults as a single population versus Black adults as multiple populations with diverse racial and ethnic identities.

Featured Publication
Californians Faced Issues of Housing and Access to Health Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This brief describes the relationship between housing affordability and housing stability and health care access during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic using the 2021 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS).

Featured Publication
Telehealth and the Future of Health Care Access in California
Using 2022 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) data, this fact sheet outlines the current status of telehealth adoption among California adults, identifies disparities, and presents recommendations to maximize telehealth’s benefits in reducing health disparity outcomes.

Featured Publication
Experiences of Families With Young Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020 to 2021
This policy brief uses California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) data to describe the financial, employment, and child care–related stressors the pandemic placed on families with young children.

Featured Publication
Firearm Access, Storage Practices, and Suicidal Ideation Among California Veterans in 2021
Access to a firearm and specific storage practices — such as storing a firearm loaded with ammunition and unlocked — are associated with increased suicide risk.

Featured Publication
Firearm Storage Practices Among Latino and Asian Immigrants in California
Latino and Asian immigrants represent the two largest immigrant populations in California, yet little is known about firearm ownership and storage practices among individuals in these groups.

Featured Press Release
The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research responds to proposed revisions to federal race and ethnicity standards
A team of UCLA researchers presents the Office of Management and Budget with feedback to revise standards for collecting and reporting race and ethnicity data