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​About 400,000 California seniors insured through both Medicare and Medi-Cal are currently being enrolled in a Medi-Cal managed care program called Cal MediConnect -- unless they actively opt out of the program. The new program, designed to improve care coordination, increase efficiency, and result in better health outcomes, has also created concern and confusion among seniors eligible for the program.

In this webinar, Center researchers Kathryn Kietzman and Jacqueline Torres will present recent data that show how this physically, socially and financially vulnerable group may be affected by the transition into Cal MediConnect,and how it will affect their ability to live at home.Their research is drawn from the Center's HOME Project, an ongoing qualitative study to document the experiences of older Californians with disabilities who depend on fragile arrangements of paid public programs and unpaid help to live safely and independently at home.


Kathryn G. Kietzman

Kathryn G. Kietzman

Director, Health Equity Program
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Jacqueline Torres

Jacqueline Torres