Information on the American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) population is critical now more than ever as COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting AIAN populations across the country.
Join UCLA Center for Health Policy Research Senior Public Administration Analyst Tara Becker, PhD, and Senior Research Scientist Riti Shimkhada, PhD, as they share findings from their forthcoming policy brief (co-authored by Susan H. Babey, PhD; AJ Scheitler, EdD; and Ninez A. Ponce, MPP, PhD) which examines AIAN data availability and the variations in estimates due to differences in coding and tabulating from eight large population health surveys. Becker and Shimkhada will discuss implications of the limited accessibility of AIAN information in population datasets and provide recommendations that may help improve availability of health information and our understanding of disparities within the American Indian and Alaska Native population.