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APHA 2013: The 'have-nots' of health care reform, medical home, vulnerable elders are the topics of
Press Releases
Communications Team
Nearly four dozen APHA presentations feature Center researchers or CHIS data. Although millions of low- and middle-income Californians will gain access to health coverage under the Affordable Care Act in the next year, as many as four million Californians could remain uninsured or face access barriers to quality care.
October 22, 2013
APHA 2013: The 'have-nots' of health care reform, medical home, vulnerable elders are the topics of
Press Releases
Communications Team
Nearly four dozen APHA presentations feature Center researchers or CHIS data. Although millions of low- and middle-income Californians will gain access to health coverage under the Affordable Care Act in the next year, as many as four million Californians could remain uninsured or face access barriers to quality care.
October 22, 2013
Who is minding the people who are minding our elders?
Press Releases
Communications Team
An absence of data on non-medical home-care providers means there’s almost no way to measure quality of care. ​Almost no data exists to measure the quality of care provided by the rapidly growing industry of private home care providers serving an expanding population of the elderly and disabled, according to a new policy brief and related report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
September 05, 2013
Who is minding the people who are minding our elders?
Press Releases
Communications Team
An absence of data on non-medical home-care providers means there’s almost no way to measure quality of care. ​Almost no data exists to measure the quality of care provided by the rapidly growing industry of private home care providers serving an expanding population of the elderly and disabled, according to a new policy brief and related report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
September 05, 2013
Out of reach? Rural elders have high rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease
Press Releases
Communications Team
Despite living in the countryside, where open space is plentiful and there is often significant agricultural production, California's more than half a million rural elders are far more likely to be overweight or obese, physically inactive and food insecure than their suburban counterparts, according to a new policy brief from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
June 14, 2011
Out of reach? Rural elders have high rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease
Press Releases
Communications Team
Despite living in the countryside, where open space is plentiful and there is often significant agricultural production, California's more than half a million rural elders are far more likely to be overweight or obese, physically inactive and food insecure than their suburban counterparts, according to a new policy brief from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
June 14, 2011
Chronic health conditions hit native elders early
Press Releases
Communications Team
New Report on Native Elder Health Finds Asthma, Diabetes, Obesity Prevalent in Native Elders Years Before General Population. Native elders are aging earlier than other elderly groups, according to a new Center report that provides the first comprehensive information on American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) elder health in California. 
June 30, 2010
Chronic health conditions hit native elders early
Press Releases
Communications Team
New Report on Native Elder Health Finds Asthma, Diabetes, Obesity Prevalent in Native Elders Years Before General Population. Native elders are aging earlier than other elderly groups, according to a new Center report that provides the first comprehensive information on American Indians and Alaska Natives (AIAN) elder health in California. 
June 30, 2010
American indians and Alaska native elders at high risk of falls
Press Releases
Communications Team
One in five American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN) elders age 65 year and older have fallen multiple times in the past year, the highest prevalence of any racial group, according to a new Center fact sheet that provides the first statewide California data on AIAN elder health.
January 29, 2010
American indians and Alaska native elders at high risk of falls
Press Releases
Communications Team
One in five American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN) elders age 65 year and older have fallen multiple times in the past year, the highest prevalence of any racial group, according to a new Center fact sheet that provides the first statewide California data on AIAN elder health.
January 29, 2010