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Education matters: Study of women's health insurance links educational attainment to coverage
Press Releases
Communications Team
Women with College Degrees More Likely to Have Health Insurance. Attention college grads: Your degree may be the key to both a career and better health coverage. According to a new study of women's health insurance from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, women without a high school diploma were nearly four times more likely to be uninsured​ as women with a college degree. 
June 17, 2010
Education matters: Study of women's health insurance links educational attainment to coverage
Press Releases
Communications Team
Women with College Degrees More Likely to Have Health Insurance. Attention college grads: Your degree may be the key to both a career and better health coverage. According to a new study of women's health insurance from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, women without a high school diploma were nearly four times more likely to be uninsured​ as women with a college degree. 
June 17, 2010
Women's Health in California: Wide disparities, narrow options
Press Releases
Communications Team
August 7, 2008 - A comprehensive new report from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research looks at a broad range of women’s health issues and finds a common theme: disparity. 
August 07, 2008
Women's Health in California: Wide disparities, narrow options
Press Releases
Communications Team
August 7, 2008 - A comprehensive new report from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research looks at a broad range of women’s health issues and finds a common theme: disparity. 
August 07, 2008