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Who is minding the people who are minding our elders?
Press Releases
Communications Team
An absence of data on non-medical home-care providers means there’s almost no way to measure quality of care. ​Almost no data exists to measure the quality of care provided by the rapidly growing industry of private home care providers serving an expanding population of the elderly and disabled, according to a new policy brief and related report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
September 05, 2013
Who is minding the people who are minding our elders?
Press Releases
Communications Team
An absence of data on non-medical home-care providers means there’s almost no way to measure quality of care. ​Almost no data exists to measure the quality of care provided by the rapidly growing industry of private home care providers serving an expanding population of the elderly and disabled, according to a new policy brief and related report by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.
September 05, 2013