2 results found

Press Releases
California faces a shortage of medical specialists for the state's estimated 1 million children with serious medical conditions. According to a new Center policy note and related April 25 webinar, although pediatric subspecialists who care for the sickest children require additional training, they are generally paid less than physicians who care for adults.
April 22, 2013

Press Releases
California faces a shortage of medical specialists for the state's estimated 1 million children with serious medical conditions. According to a new Center policy note and related April 25 webinar, although pediatric subspecialists who care for the sickest children require additional training, they are generally paid less than physicians who care for adults.
April 22, 2013

Press Releases
California faces a shortage of medical specialists for children. Learn about innovative new strategies to reverse this trend. In conjunction with a new publication on the shortage of pediatric subspecialty care practitioners in California, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the Lucille Packard Foundation for Children's Health are pleased to host an essential webinar on innovative new strategies to address this challenge.
April 09, 2013

Press Releases
California faces a shortage of medical specialists for children. Learn about innovative new strategies to reverse this trend. In conjunction with a new publication on the shortage of pediatric subspecialty care practitioners in California, the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the Lucille Packard Foundation for Children's Health are pleased to host an essential webinar on innovative new strategies to address this challenge.
April 09, 2013